
Renovations /interior done

    All the renovations that I was writing about 2 years ago now have all but concluded. The only thing we have left in the house is to replace 3 windows, that will be done tomorrow. Here are the before and after photos of the upstairs. Hope you enjoy.     


 Well here we are in week 2 the numbers are still going up but hopefully there maybe some light at the end of the tunnel with the possibility of slowing numbers in China.  The one thing that we all need to do is look to God and seek his guidance in this time. Go to the Bible and read his words, follow and trust them and do not look back or second guess his guidance.  I encourage everyone that reads this, if you do not have a church to attend, to watch the facebook live broadcasts of Parkview Baptist Church in Tuscumbia, AL. You can find them at 10:15 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Sundays and 6 p.m. on Wednesdays. Also, once this quarantine is over join us at the Church for our services and class times. till next week D. Pounders  


     Well it is day two of the quarantine, aka social distancing, but it is day one with the kids. Even though I am a teacher but there is something different about keeping you own kids. They can get on your nerves more but you also Love them more too. As I right this sitting on the couch I am watching as my kids watch Toy Story 3 on Disney+ and are currently being good. That could change in 2 seconds though. So even though this is an extremely different situation that we are in just remember that if you still have kids at home cherish the times that you have and teach them something that they will use for the rest of their lives. Till Tomorrow, D. Pounders Join Amazon Family 30-Day Free Trial Shop Amazon - Best Sellers in Grocery


     Well spring break is over to an extent but then again it is not. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus and everyone losing their minds school has been cancelled for another week. It is also possible that if everyone follows the CDC's recommendation that it will potentially end the school year. If you ask me this is the beginning of the end of education and possibly everyday life as we know it now. It may also cause a fall in the world of sports. Which we as a society pay way more attention to then we should and may also cause us to focus on things that we should more like our salvation in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and also being kinder to each other and to quit fighting each other on things that don't really even matter in the grand scheme of our lives. Jesus should be our sole focus and purpose in this life and the faster we realize that as a society the better off we will be. till tomorrow, D. Pounders

Last Day Before the Break

     Today is the last day before we (teachers and students) get freedom for a week. I don’t know who thought up the time to have Spring Break but they made it at a very appropriate time on the year. The kids and teachers both need the break and it lets us all recharge and finish out the year strong. Thank you to our administrators here for doing such a great job with everything. I know they juggle a lot of things at one time and keep things running smoothly on a daily basis. Thank you to all of my fellow teachers for stepping in to help whenever it is needed to watch a class or help in any other way. I do so greatly enjoy it here at Iuka Middle and would not trade thins place for anywhere else. With all that said I look forward to finishing out the year strong and preparing for next year here. Till Tomorrow, D. Pounders  

Game day life of a Coach

     A Coaches life on game day can be hectic with teaching class, taking pregame meal orders and putting in the order/ picking it up, making out lineups and figuring out pitching, making sure everyone one is at school and can play that day, etc. The little things add up and time can get away from you quickly if you are not careful. Also, with so many little things that have to done or gotten together it is easy to forget something, so if you can delegate things to other coaches (if you have any) then it is always better to do that and take some of the load off of yourself.  Today’s game has the possibility of being rained out but it is looking good so far that we will be able to play. It will be Burnsville, MS at their place so we are hoping for a good outcome but definitely not overlooking anyone. Always play to dominate your opponent and strive to be mistake free. Till Tomorrow, D. Pounders

Testing Week

        This week may drive me crazy or really close to it.  Testing time for a PE teacher is the worst because you get all the students that are not testing or have already tested due to some special circumstance. Not to mention I also get my regular classes if they are not testing on that day or if they have already finished. So what that means is that sometimes me and one other teacher are watching a room, slightly larger than a basketball court, with 100+ students in it and if it is not during certain periods I don’t have anyone else but me in here.  I also have had to eat my lunch while watching students the last few days, so no rest for the weary. Needless to say it is Wednesday and I feel like I have worked 2 weeks in just this one half of a week. Spring Break is next week and it can’t come fast enough. Till Tomorrow, D. Pounders