Testing Week


      This week may drive me crazy or really close to it.  Testing time for a PE teacher is the worst because you get all the students that are not testing or have already tested due to some special circumstance. Not to mention I also get my regular classes if they are not testing on that day or if they have already finished. So what that means is that sometimes me and one other teacher are watching a room, slightly larger than a basketball court, with 100+ students in it and if it is not during certain periods I don’t have anyone else but me in here.  I also have had to eat my lunch while watching students the last few days, so no rest for the weary. Needless to say it is Wednesday and I feel like I have worked 2 weeks in just this one half of a week. Spring Break is next week and it can’t come fast enough.

Till Tomorrow,
D. Pounders


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