Super Tuesday

     Today is the day that several States hold their primary elections. I live in the State of Alabama which has several decent candidates for Senate on the Republican side. The top 3 are probably Jeff Sessions, Bradley Byrne and former college football coach Tommy Tuberville.  I honestly think it will be a close race between those three and in the general election I believe that any of those will run away with it against Doug Jones. He has proven that he will just jump in with the existing Democrats in this country and follow along instead of stepping up and being a leader against the Status Quo.

     Also, in Alabama we will be voting to determine whether our State Board of Education will be appointed or elected from now on. I believe that if they are appointed that the State Government will only go ahead and put in a bunch of “yes” men/women that will do whatever they are told. This is why we need to keep these positions as elected instead of appointed.

     If your State is voting today please get out and vote and do your part in our government so that good deserving people that will get the job done actually get the job in the first place.

Till Tomorrow,
D. Pounders


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