Day 1

      Alright, so lots of people do this and get great feed back and some even make lots of money from home. Many of you out there have probably even tried blogging yourself but since this is my first go at it I figure that I better introduce myself. My name is Dustin Pounders and I am a Christian, Husband, Father of 2, Middle School PE Teacher and Coach (Middle School Football and Baseball). With those titles many weird and interesting, sometimes horrifying things come my way daily. 
      So on this blog I will share some of the stories and adventures that come my way. With those I will also give my take on many other situations as they pertain to the world and how I see it. My views may not line up with yours but if nothing else we can agree to disagree on some things. If there is a topic that you wish to discuss or want me to give my take on then please comment and If I don’t know about it then I will do a little research and try to give you an opinion. Thank you to everyone who reads this in the near future and for the first time and hopefully not the last, have a good day and God Bless.

D. Pounders


  1. Will you explain how to put Kung Pow in Kung Pow Chicken?

  2. You layeth the smacketh down on someone. Haha Jake.


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