Renovation Stories 3/ Presidents Day

      This post will get us caught up on the renovations for the time being. Right now we are getting ready to get the Kitchen and Den done upstairs. First though there has to be some demolition done in both areas. The kitchen us completely gutted and the wall that separates the dining room and kitchen has come down. The paneling in both rooms has to com down as well. It is taking me a little while to get everything cleared out but I am doing most of it alone with a little help from my son (3yrs. Old) and his plastic hammer and screwdriver. The best tools for this job are Saws All, Sledge Hammer, Circular saw, DeWalt Wrecking Hammer, Square Shovel, Crow Bar and Drill. You will also need caps for the water lines when you pull out the sink, dishwasher and refrigerator.

      Now on the other hand today is Presidents Day. A day to remember those men that have come before us and shaped this Nation into one of the greatest that the world has ever seen. Even though as of late it has begun to dwindle because of the fighting between the government officials of this great nation. If we could put our petty differences aside and focus clearly on what is best for the people of this great nation and not what is best for one political party or another. If we would fall back on the morals that built this nation and find the wise men and women that can move us forward like the men that have preceded us like: George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, JFK, and Ronald Reagan. But let’s not just remember these men but instead all 45 that have been elected to the office of President and led our great nation.

Till Tomorrow
D. Pounders


  1. I agree with you. One thing I have learned that many people do not understand is that the responsibility put upon these leaders is indescribable. I was reading a while back about how little sleep the presidents get at night. Not due to always having to be in meetings or someone needing to speak with them but just the stress of having to lead the Free World. It is enough to age a person 10 years in 1.


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