Spring Break is a Coming

   I know that all teachers are counting down the days until their spring break week. I have 7 more school days left until (not counting today) my break starts. Also, for me that maybe when my contractor can get started on the remodel for our kitchen and upstairs den. Right now those rooms are subfloors with stud walls. Luckily we live downstairs right now and don’t have to look at it all the time.
So, one of the things going on in my part of the Shoals Area is the beginning of the development of Inspiration Landing, a multipurpose complex for public and private use. This is very exciting for the Shoals Area because it gives us a new revenue stream that can really help area schools and bring in people for different events. It also brings newer forms of entertainment to the area for locals. I personally can’t wait to see what it does for my property value. So along with my renovations and the Development of Inspiration Landing the future could be looking good in my neighborhood.

Till Tomorrow
D. Pounders


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