Renovation Stories 2

      Part 2 of Renovation stories will be more of a tutorial. In the "new" house we have solid core interior doors, which come to find out are worth about $250-$600 each depending on brand, size and so on. So instead of throwing them out and starting over with today's more common hollow core doors we decided to sand and paint them to reuse them in the house. Now when using old doors we quickly found out that the door knob size in the 1960s is significantly smaller than the standard size now. So we had to figure out a way to make the knob hole bigger. When doing this you pretty much have 2 options.
1. Buy the entire door knob hole drilling kit. 
2. Or if you are like me and have the hole saw for the correct size already then you can use it with minimal prep to set up.
With option #2 you need 5 things:
1. A drill
2. Hole saw for 2 1/8 inch size
3. Spare piece of wood
4. 2 small clamps
5. Door
     First, take the drill and hole saw and drill a hole through the spare piece of wood. This will give you a template to use on the doors later so that the hole saw doesn't run on you and eat up a section of the door that you don't want ruined.
     Second, take the spare piece that you just drilled through and line it up over the existing hole in the door so that an equal amount of wood can be seen on the inside of the template.
      Third, clamp the template to the door so that it doesn't slide or slip on you.
      Last, take the drill and hole saw and put it in the template and drill the hole out. 
If you are like me I thought through many options and asked a few people what they thought be for settling on this option. It worked very well and would recommend it to any one that needs to do this for a renovation.

Till tomorrow, 
D. Pounders


  1. If I ever have to do house renovations I'll be sure to call you.


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